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2008 Recruitment-

Monday, February 4, 2008

Heyy 2008 Graduating buddies...A gud news to all of you.
I think most of us will be knowing about the eLitmus group. A nd for those who hear it for the first time let me give a brief introduction about it.

Go To Elitmus Site

eLitmus is a unique HR service, focusing exclusively on entry-level recruitment. Our pH Test model is revolutionizing how companies hire entry-level workers, and how fresh graduates seek jobs

"eLitmus has kickstarted the 2008 fresher hiring season with OnMobile. All those desirous of seeking job with OnMobile are requested to appear for the earliest possible pH test and get themselves assessed.If you already have a pH score, you need not write the test again unless you wish to improve your score."

How elitmus works:

All the best

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Never expect things to happen, struggle and make them happen. Never expect yourself given a good value, create a value of your own.

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