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Investment in Gold :: The Best Option for years

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

You might have heard this buzz term called - gold investing. An Investment in Gold is a Good Inflation Investment if the Return on your Investment is higher than the Inflation in the same period of time. If you invest in Gold and lose 20% of your money in a year and that year the inflation in your country was 2% then your investment in gold was not a good inflation investment.

Inflation is an increase in the general level of prices of a given kind in a given currency. Inflation is measured by taking a "basket" of goods, and comparing the prices at two intervals, and adjusting for changes in the intrinsic basket. Gold is not a currency anymore and the Gold Standard is no longer used in any nation, having been replaced completely by fiat currency. Gold Prices are determined only by the market and the price goes down if everybody is selling and the prices go up if everybody is buying. I don't believe there is a relation between Gold and Inflation but I could be mistaken.

It actually has been a good hedge against inflation. Gold is considered a safe investment because it's a hard asset. The dollar is only valuable because everyone in America says it is. For the long-term gold has been very good.

If you must buy the actual metal I suggest you to goto Monex Deposit Company (MDC). This is a very well known and respectable Company in US and they keep your Gold in Vaults and you can easily sell the gold back to the company at any moment at the current market price . For over 30 years, the Monex companies have been America’s gold, silver and precious metals investment leader.

However, I don't recommend you to buy the Actual Metal if you are an individual investor.



Quote on!!

Never expect things to happen, struggle and make them happen. Never expect yourself given a good value, create a value of your own.

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