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Some Ideas to wake up feeling more Energized

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep is ideal. Also, a fitness plan consisting of at least 30 minutes of cardio workouts (running, elliptical, bike... anything that elevates your heart rate) 3 to 5 days a week will help your body to relax during the night in order to recuperate. Thus, you will sleep more soundly, and wake up more refreshed. Also, a cup of coffee never hurts on those really tough mornings!

Sugar helps you to gain energy very fast so if you have something sweet, it will help you to feel more energized. If you are a coffee drinker, add some sugar . If not, have a cereal bar with a sweet taste of honey or something like that.. if you are on diet, just use the sugar substitute ones.

Caffeine works for some people just fine.. They could go on with their days with a black cup of coffee. Try my favorite drink, which is a little bit of both, a vanilla late sugar free, fat free. You can never do something to wake you up early , if you are not a morning person.. Believe me. I have tried everything already but what you could try is how to make it feel better after the alarm goes off and get on with your life with more energy.

You should eat protein at every meal, eat fruits and vegetables and complex carbs. You need to eat at least 1200 calories a day. I eat between 1600 and 1800 calories a day and have 6 small meals a day. I work out lifting weights 3 times a week and do cardio once a week. If you don't eat enough your body will slow down its metabolism because it thinks it is starving. This is NOT healthy.


Dan* October 5, 2008 at 9:20 AM  

hmmmm excercise for 1 hour in the morning 2 times meal and have something with tea and fruts twice or thrice a this okay ??


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Never expect things to happen, struggle and make them happen. Never expect yourself given a good value, create a value of your own.

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